Distance Learning


Public Administration: Scope, Dev. & Ethical Environment

This course is an overview of the scope of administration as a field of study and as a profession.

Organizational Theory and Bureaucratic Behavior

This course examines the organizational dynamics in modern organizations. To that end, it will examine the organizational dynamics in modern organizations, the evolution of organizational theories from the classic to the contemporary, the linkages and relationships between organizations and the behavior of human beings in organizational environments.

Administrative Law

The legal aspects of the power and procedures of federal and state agencies in the judicial re- view of administrative actions are discussed.

Legal Environment of Public Human Resources Management

This course examines the relationship between the law and the work environment with particular emphasis on the rights and protections that are provided to employees under the law as well as the court decisions that impact the rights and liberties of public and nonprofit sector employees.

Public Human Resources Management

This course will help students to understand the historical, economic, social, legal and organizational contexts in which human resources management occurs in the public sector. It will also focus on the acquisition of skills, knowledge and abilities needed to execute HR functions including, but not limited to, recruitment, selection, planning compensation, training, professional development and sanctions.

Administration of Nonprofit Organizations

This course will provide theoretical and application understanding of the operation of corporations in the nonprofit sector. It is designed to equip students with knowledge and skills of basic methods used to lead and manage such organizations and successfully navigate the political, financial, ethical and social challenges of this sector.

Public Budgeting & Financial Management

This course focuses on the allocation of limited resources to address the problems that governments and other public organizations face. To that end, it will examine public budgeting process and public financial management approaches. Emphasis is placed on the budget cycle, federal budget practices and procedures, unified budgets, national income accounts, the budget cycle, executive and legislative roles in the budget process, Government Accounting, Financial Reporting, Government Auditing, Capital Planning and Budgeting, Capital project Analysis and Asset Management.

Foundations of Health Care Finance

This course explores the basics of health care finance. It focuses on topics of expenditures, revenue generation, fund-raising, budgeting and financial planning in health care administration.

Foundations of Public Health Administration and Management

This course will provide a comprehensive introduction and overview of public health management and administration.

Epidemiology: Concepts and Methods

This introductory course will provide a comprehensive introduction to the basic definitions, concepts, principles and methods of population-based epidemiologic research.

Labor-Management Relations

This course focuses on the history and contemporary relations between labor and management, as well as the laws and practices impacting collective bargaining in the public sector. It also examines, within the context of current labor management relation, those issues that may affect workforce planning and development and organizational effectiveness.

Management Information Systems for Public Management

The course introduces students to computer applications and information system tools for effectively managing large amounts of data in public sector organizations. The course also introduces concepts and theories of management information systems (knowledge management), various practices in government organizations, as well as related issues, problems, and trends.

Research Design and Data Analysis

This course is designed to acquaint students with the assumptions, concepts and methods for quantitative and qualitative scientific inquiry and basic data analysis techniques useful in public administration and nonprofit management research.

Diversity Management and Public Organizations

The course will provide a broad-based perspective of diversity management in the workplace. It will examine the contemporary workforce, which represents multiple differences, including, for example, gender, race, culture, ethnicity, age, alternate lifestyles and physical/mental abilities.

Issues in Human Resources Management

The course examines issues in managing public human resources.

Human Capital Development & Management

This course examines the skills, knowledge, abilities and other characteristics that constitute the concept of human capital and how they impact organizational performance. Based on those attributes, the course addresses issues of strategic human resource planning, strategic human resources management, succession planning as well as the planning tools, techniques and methods for proper human capital management.

Introduction to Community & Economic Development

To examine community and economic development movement in the United States and abroad. The understanding of the physical urban environment and local economic development.

Executive Leadership: Principles of Public Administration

Examines leadership skills necessary to maximize group effectiveness in public and volunteer organizations. Considerable use will be made of role-playing and/or simulation exercises.

Introduction to Public Policy

The course emphasizes the nature and definition of public policy, the structure in which public policy is produced and how various kinds of public policy are made.

Health Care Policy and Politics

This course deals with contemporary health-care policies and politics. The course includes discussions of the current crisis in health costs and proposed solutions.

Intergovernmental Relations

Emphasizes the issues and problems involved in the relationships among federal, state and local governments

Program Development, Management & Evaluation

A study of basic methods used to evaluate programs and policies, including an examination of the impact which selected policies have had on intended target populations.

Urban and Rural Community Planning

This course is a survey of the principles and practices of public planning for the development and management of human, economic and physical resources of communities. Reviews planning systems at various levels and their interrelationships.

Professional Public Service Internship/Project

This practicum includes a final professional project in which the student will design, conduct, analyze and report on a project completed during his/her professional service internship.

Capstone Report (Exit Process)

This course requires students to complete a written practitioner-based report on a case study that demonstrates their mastery of the material presented in the core courses of the MPA program. The case study must be supported by scholarly literature and students will have to orally defend it to demonstrate their mastery of the chosen subject matter. The capstone report serves as an exit process component designed to assess students’ knowledge and skills obtained in these academic courses, competency in critical thinking, and written and oral communication skills.