Distance Learning


Foundations for Quantitative Reasoning

A course designed to help students learn the basics of algebra and other topics necessary for Quantitative Skills and Reasoning (MATH 1001), including the study of elementary algebra, real number sets, set operations, linear equations, and introductory probability and statistics.

STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this class, students will be able:

  1. To review basic arithmetic skills using fractions and decimals;
  2. To perform operations with signed numbers;
  3. To solve linear equations and applied problems;
  4. To graph linear equations in two variables;
  5. To simplify polynomials and exponential expressions;
  6. To simplify perfect squares using a calculator

Course Requirements:

Proctored Tests – This course requires 2 proctored tests. Students may test at Albany State University campuses (East, West or Cordele) or online through Proctor U. Further information regarding proctored tests (including pricing structures for Proctor U) can be found within the course. Proctor U requires a computer (not a mobile device) with a webcam and microphone.

This course requires a TI 83/84 calculator.


Foundations for College Algebra

In this course, students learn basic algebra topics which prepare them for College Algebra 1111. It is a study of elementary algebra, which includes graphing linear equations and inequalities, solving systems of equations, factoring polynomials, and simplifying rational expressions and exponents. Students will also be taught how to solve radicals, and complex numbers, as well as define and evaluate functions

Students who successfully complete MATH 0989 are expected to be able to:

  • Perform operations with signed numbers;
  • Solve linear equations, applied problems, and linear inequalities;
  • Graph linear equations in two variables;
  • Simplify polynomials
  • Factor polynomials.
  • Demonstrate the ability to apply concepts learned.

Course Requirements:

  • Average of 70 or above
  • Successful completion of the Departmental Final Examination
  • Students required to spend a minimum of one hour per week in the Math Lab (online or on-campus)
  • Online Quizzes and assignments
  • Basic-advanced knowledge of computers, computer applications, and trouble-shooting.
  • Proctored Tests – This course requires 2 proctored tests. Students may test at Albany State University campuses (East, West or Cordele) or online through Proctor U. Further information regarding proctored tests (including pricing structures for Proctor U) can be found within the course. Proctor U requires a computer (not a mobile device) with a webcam and microphone.

Additional Requirements:

  • A computer with Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel and appropriate plug ins to successfully run GeorgiaView. See https://albanystate.view.usg.edu/d2l/login – click System Checker
  • Graphing calculator- TI-83 or TI-84


Support for Quantitative Reasoning

Prerequisites: MATH 0987 or required scores for co-requisite remediation placement.

Corequisites: MATH 1001.

This course provides an introduction to the algebraic concepts and techniques necessary for MATH 1001. This course will focus on additional support for MATH 1001 assignments and will serve as a continuation of the information covered in the MATH 1001 classroom. The topics covered include performing basic operations with rational and real numbers, representing mathematical relationships symbolically, set notation, evaluating expressions, plotting and graphing in the Cartesian coordinate system, using percentages, and solving linear equations.

At the end of this class, students will be able:

  • To translate mathematical relationships from English into mathematical symbols;
  • To represent sets using correct notation and symbols;
  • To perform operations with fractions, real numbers, and variable expressions;
  • To solve linear equations in one variable;
  • To evaluate expressions involving multiple variables given the value of each variable;
  • To graph points and interpret graphs in the xy-coordinate system;
  • To perform basic and statistical computations using a calculator.

Course Requirements:

  • Quizzes
  • Homework/lab assignments
  • Participation and daily grades

Additional Requirements:

  • Basic knowledge of computers and computer applications
  • A computer with Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel and appropriate plug ins to successfully run GeorgiaView. https://albanystate.view.usg.edu/d2l/login See System Checker.
  • Graphing Calculator TI-83 or TI-84

Support for College Algebra

Corequisite: MATH 1111.

This course is a co-requisite to College Algebra Math 1111. It includes topics on real numbers and their properties, exponents, radicals, polynomials, factoring including special products, rational expressions, and the Coordinate System. Those topics assist students in comprehending the college algebra topics of complex numbers, linear and quadratic equations, functions, systems of equations and inequalities, and all of their respected graphs. Students will effectively communicate algebraic concepts in oral and written forms, supported by the appropriate use of technology.

At the end of this class, students will be able:

  • Perform operations complex numbers and algebraic expressions expected of students entering MATH1111
  • Perform operations with radical and rational expressions
  • Perform factoring techniques on polynomial expressions
  • Understand mathematical terminology expected of students entering MATH1111
  • Relate concepts of algebra to real-world applications
  • Solve linear, quadratic, and rational equations
  • Analyze graphs and demonstrate a knowledge of the basic mathematical graphs used often in MATH1111
  • Solve linear inequalities and be able to write answers in set-builder and interval notation
  • Evaluate expressions for given input values
  • Understand the definition of a function, function notation, and perform operations on functions
  • Determine the domain, range, and where a function is increasing, decreasing or constant
  • Identify the leading term, degree, leading coefficient and constant term of polynomial expressions
  • Use long and synthetic division to calculate the quotient and remainder of polynomial expressions
  • Demonstrate how to use the graphing calculator to analyze graphs
  • Use the laws of exponents to simplify expressions
  • Evaluate and graph exponential and logarithmic functions

Course Requirements:

  • Quizzes
  • Homework/lab assignments
  • Participation and daily grades

Additional Requirements:

  • Basic knowledge of computers and computer applications
  • A computer with Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel and appropriate plug ins to successfully run GeorgiaView. See https://albanystate.view.usg.edu/d2l/login
  • Graphing calculator- TI-83 or TI84

Quantitative Skills and Reasoning

Prerequisite: MATH 0099, MATH 0987, MATH 0989 or satisfactory math scores to place into co-requisite remediation or higher.

This course is an alternative in Area A of the Core Curriculum and is not intended to supply sufficient algebraic background for students who intend to take Precalculus, Trigonometry, or the Calculus sequence for mathematics and science plans of study. This course places quantitative skills and reasoning in the context of experiences that students will likely encounter. It emphasizes processing information in context from a variety of representations, understanding of both the information and the processing, and understanding which conclusions can be reasonably determined. A graphing calculator is required. MATH 1001 is a math course for non-science plans of study and may be used as a prerequisite to MATH 2205 and/or MATH 1145. Students receiving credit for MATH 1001 cannot receive credit for MATH 1111.

Students who successfully complete MATH 1111 will be able to:

  • Identify logical fallacies and show how to avoid them
  • Identify, organize and analyze logical arguments through the use of formalized techniques
  • Apply logical techniques to real world problems


Students will be able to:

  • Recognize differences in the various types of number systems and apply basic arithmetic operations
  • Demonstrate competency in using unit conversion including, but not restricted to, SI metric system and the USCS
  • Distinguish between the uses and abuses of percentages
  • Translate numbers to and from scientific notation

Probability and Statistics:

Students will be able to:

  • Use elementary level statistical terminology to interpret statistical information
  • Distinguish between causation and correlation
  • Interpret statistical information presented graphically
  • Organize data from samples to be used for statistical calculations
  • Compute measures of central tendency and variation
  • Analyze statistical data to test hypothesis
  • Compute and combine probability for given events using standardized rules
  • Compute combinations and permutations

Math and Money:

Students will be able to:

  • Prepare and read a personal financial statement
  • Recognize the relationships between income & assets and expenses and liabilities and how these influence the financial statement
  • Compute and interpret cash flow and net worth
  • Use compounded interest formulas to predict investment performance
  • Recognize differences and similarities in various asset classes and investment options
  • Compute payments for installment loans; such as credit cards, mortgages and student loans
  • Recognize differences between tax deductions and tax credits as well as compute income tax from an AGI

Course Requirements:

  • Proctored Tests – This course requires 4 proctored tests. Students may test at Albany State University campuses (East, West or Cordele) or online through Proctor U. Further information regarding proctored tests (including pricing structures for Proctor U) can be found within the course. Proctor U requires a computer (not a mobile device) with a webcam and microphone.

Additional Requirements:

  • A computer with Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel and appropriate plug ins to successfully run GeorgiaView. See https://albanystate.view.usg.edu/d2l/login – click System Checker
  • Graphing calculator- TI-83 or TI84

College Algebra

3 credit hours

Prerequisite: Developmental MATH 0099 or Placement Test.

This course includes a study of topics in real numbers, linear and quadratic equations, complex numbers, various types of other functions and their graphs, exponential and logarithmic functions, systems of linear equations and inequalities.

Students who successfully complete MATH 1111 will:

  • Know functions and their graphs
  • Know inequalities, linear, quadratic, piece-wise defined, rational, polynomial, exponential and logarithmic functions
  • Be able to use the graphing calculator in implementing algebraic skills
  • Be able to demonstrate the ability to apply concepts learned
  • Have an increased awareness of the importance of mathematics in your desired major

Course Requirements:

  • Online Quizzes and assignments
  • Basic knowledge of computers and computer applications
  • Proctored Tests – This course requires 5 proctored tests. Students may test at Albany State University campuses (East, West or Cordele) or online through Proctor U. Further information regarding proctored tests (including pricing structures for Proctor U) can be found within the course. Proctor U requires a computer (not a mobile device) with a webcam and microphone.

Additional Requirements:

  • A computer with Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel and appropriate plug ins to successfully run GeorgiaView.  See https://albanystate.view.usg.edu/d2l/login – click System Checker.
  • Graphing calculator- TI-83 or TI84


Credits:  3 Prerequisite: MATH 1111 or Placement Test

This course is the study of functions and their graphs. Topics include trigonometric functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, transcendental functions and polar coordinates.

Additional Requirements:

  • A computer with Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel and appropriate plug ins to successfully run GeorgiaView.  See https://albanystate.view.usg.edu/d2l/login – click online courses and then System Checker
  • Graphing calculator- TI-83 or TI84

Calculus I

Credits:  4 Prerequisite: MATH 1113

This is a beginning course in calculus. Topics include differentiation and integration of algebraic and trigonometric functions, with applications to graphs of functions, rectilinear motion, maxima and minima, areas, volumes and work.

Students will be able to

  1. Define and find limits graphically, numerically, and analytically
  2. Evaluate limits of algebraic and transcendental functions
  3. Evaluate limits using the Squeeze Theorem
  4. Evaluate infinite limits and limits at infinity
  5. Identify continuity of points and intervals
  6. Use the Intermediate Value Theorem
  7. Apply L’Hopital’s Rule to evaluate limits with indeterminate forms


Students will be able to

  1. Determine the derivative of a function utilizing limits
  2. Evaluate the derivative of a function using the Constant Rule, Power Rule, Constant Multiple Rule, Sum and Difference Rules, Product Rule, Quotient Rule, and Chain Rule
  3. Recall and apply derivative formulas of transcendental functions
  4. Evaluate higher-order derivatives of functions
  5. Use derivatives to determine rates of change
  6. Use implicit differentiation to find the derivative of a function
  7. Use related rates to solve real world problems
  8. Using derivatives to find extrema, inflection points, increasing/decreasing intervals and concavity from the equation of a function
  9. Apply derivative rules to solve optimization problems
  10. Understand and use Rolle’s Theorem and the Mean Value Theorem
  11. Find the differential of a function and estimate a propagated error using a differential

The student will be able to

  1. Use rules of integration to integrate definite and indefinite functions of algebraic and transcendental functions
  2. Approximate the area under a curve using Riemann Sums
  3. Understand and use the Fundamental Theorems of Calculus
  4. Apply the Mean Value Theorem for Integrals
  5. Use the Substitution Rule to integrate the composition of functions

Course Requirements:

  • Online Quizzes and assignments
  • PProctored Tests – This course requires 5 proctored tests. Students may test at Albany State University campuses (East, West or Cordele) or online through Proctor U. Further information regarding proctored tests (including pricing structures for Proctor U) can be found within the course. Proctor U requires a computer (not a mobile device) with a webcam and microphone.  This course has more stringent standards than Albany State University's minimum requirements. Libraries, K-12 schools, and administrators are routinely denied. 

Additional Requirements:

  • Graphing calculator- TI-83 or TI84 (TI-89 calculators are NOT allowed)

Intro to Statistics

A course in basic statistics. Topics include descriptive statistics, probability, distributions, hypothesis testing, inferences, correlation, and regression.

Prerequisites:  MATH 1001, MATH 1111, or MATH 1113

Note:  This is an eCore course - tuition is $169 per credit hour

Course Requirements: 

  • Students must take the eCore Orientation quiz prior to registering for this class.
  • All eCore classes require one-two proctored exams.
  • This course requires a TI 83/84 calculator.


This course is a four (4) credit hour course and includes material on functions, limits, continuity, the derivative, antidifferentiation, the definite integral, applications of integration and techniques of integration.

Prerequisites: MATH 1113

Note:  This is an eCore course - tuition is $169 per credit hour.

Course Requirements:

  • Students must take the eCore Orientation quiz prior to registering for this class.
  • All eCore classes require one-two proctored exams.
  • This course requires a TI 83/84 calculator.

Foundations of Numbers and Operations

Credits:  3 Prerequisite(s): MATH 1101, MATH 1111, or MATH 1113

This course is an Area F introductory mathematics course for early childhood majors. This course will emphasize the understanding and use of the major concepts of number and operations. As a general theme, strategies of problem solving will be used and discussed in the context of various topics.

Students who successfully complete MATH 2008 are expected to be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of numerical structure and operations on numbers.
  • Develop reasoning skills and the ability to apply mathematical techniques to solve problems.
  • Understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers and number systems.
  • Understand meanings of operations and how they relate to one another.
  • Compute fluently and make reasonable estimates.
  • Apply multiple problem solving strategies and understand how approaches to solutions relate to one another.

Course Requirements:

  • Online Quizzes and assignments
  • Basic knowledge of computers and computer applications
  • Proctored Tests – This course requires 4 proctored tests. Students may test at Albany State University campuses (East, West or Cordele) or online through Proctor U. Further information regarding proctored tests (including pricing structures for Proctor U) can be found within the course. Proctor U requires a computer (not a mobile device) with a webcam and microphone.

Additional Requirements:

  • A computer with Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel and appropriate plug ins to successfully run GeorgiaView.  See https://albanystate.view.usg.edu/d2l/login – click System Checker
  • Graphing Calculator- TI-83, 84, 85, or 86

Linear Algebra

Credits:  3 Prerequisite: MATH 1211

This course concentrates on operations with vectors, matrices, systems of linear equations, determinants, vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

Students who successfully complete MATH 2111 are expected to be able to:

  • Solve systems of linear equations using Gaussian or Gauss-Jordan elimination of matrices.
  • Perform basic matrix operations.
  • Calculate the determinant of a square matrix
  • Compute the inverse of a nonsingular matrix
  • Identify operations on vectors
  • Identify vector spaces and subspaces
  • Determine the span of a set of vectors
  • Identify and apply properties of an inner product
  • Compute an orthonormal basis using the Gram-Schmidt process
  • Determine whether a function is a linear transformation
  • Solve problems by applying knowledge of eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
  • Using the graphing calculator and other appropriate technology for computation and exploration of concepts in linear algebra.

Course Requirements:

  • Online Quizzes and assignments
  • Basic-advanced knowledge of computers, computer applications, and trouble-shooting.

Additional Requirements:

  • A computer with Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel and appropriate plug ins to successfully run GeorgiaView. See https://albanystate.view.usg.edu/d2l/login – click System Checker
  • Graphing Calculator- TI-83, 84, 85, or 86

Introduction to Statistics

Credits:  3 Prerequisite: MATH 1111 or MATH 1113

This course will include an introduction to probability and basic concepts of descriptive and inferential statistics. The computer and graphing calculators will be an integral part of this course.

Students who successfully complete MATH 2411 are expected to be able to:

  • Identify and explain the use of various data collection methods.
  • Construct, read, and interpret displays of data (i.e. frequency distributions, histograms, frequency polygons, gives, time series graphs, Pareto charts, pie graphs, stem and leaf plots, boxplots, etc.)
  • Identify appropriate counting techniques and calculate possible outcomes.
  • Identify possible outcomes of a simple experiment and calculate the probability of the event.
  • Construct a probability distribution for a random variable
  • Find probabilities for a normally distributed variable by transforming it into a standard normal variable
  • Use the central limit theorem to solve problems involving sample means for large and small samples.
  • Find the confidence interval for the mean for large and small samples.
  • Determine the nature of the relationship between two variables using scatter plots, correlation, and regression.
  • Use appropriate technology for computation and exploration of probability and statistics.

Course Requirements:

  • Online Quizzes and assignments
  • Basic knowledge of computers and computer applications
  • Proctored Tests – This course requires 5 proctored tests. Students may test at Albany State University campuses (East, West or Cordele) or online through Proctor U. Further information regarding proctored tests (including pricing structures for Proctor U) can be found within the course. Proctor U requires a computer (not a mobile device) with a webcam and microphone.This course has more stringent standards than Albany State University’s minimum requirements. Libraries, K-12 schools, and administrators are routinely denied.  

Additional Requirements

  • A computer with Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel and appropriate plug ins to successfully run GeorgiaView.  See https://albanystate.view.usg.edu/d2l/login – click System Checker
  • Graphing Calculator- TI-84