Distance Learning


Foundations for English Composition

Foundations for English Composition, prepares students for college-level reading and writing. Students will build competency in recognizing, comprehending, and using appropriate grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, and structure in sentences, paragraphs, and essays. Skill development will be individualized through the use of diagnostic tools. In addition, students will be required to read selections, compose responses and writing assignments, and revise assignments as recommended.

Exit Requirements: C or higher.

OUTCOMES: At the end of this course, students will be able to

  1. Read and comprehend prose texts in a variety of non-fiction genres.
  2. Apply effective reading processes for improved comprehension skills expected of students entering ENGL 1101.
  3. Apply effective writing processes for improved composing skills expected of students entering ENGL 1101.
  4. Identify the meaning of words by using context clues.
  5. Recognize main ideas and supporting details in reading and writing.
  6. Recognize implied conclusions, generalizations, summaries of ideas and relationships among ideas.
  7. Recognize an author's beliefs and assumptions about a subject.
  8. Identify common structural elements and patterns in sentences, paragraphs, and essays.
  9. Generate short prose compositions using conventions of edited American English regarding grammar, usage, punctuation, capitalization and spelling.


Support for English Composition

Credits: 2   


Pre-requisite: ENGL 0989, or satisfactory English scores to place into co-requisite remediation or higher.  Co-requisite: ENGL 1101

ENGL 0999, Support for English Composition, assists students with college-level reading, research, and writing required in ENGL 1101. In addition to supporting work completed for ENGL 1101, students will also review basic principles of English fundamentals and usage through individualized assignments.

Additional Requirements:

English Composition I

Credits:  3 Prerequisite: Satisfactory scores on the Writing and Reading placement examinations or completion of ENGL 0989 with grades of “C” or better.

English Composition I focuses on skills required for effective writing in a variety of contexts with emphasis on exposition, analysis, and argumentation. The course also includes introductory use of a variety of research skills. The course is designed to teach the mechanics of expression and the development and organization of ideas into paragraphs and essays. Students who successfully complete ENGL 1101 will be able to:

  • Apply thinking processes to composition
  • Demonstrate competence in writing personal, informative, and persuasive essays
  • Collect and synthesize material for essays
  • Employ various basic research skills
  • Express clarity of style, content, and grammar in writing timed essays on unannounced topics

Course Requirements:

  • Online lectures, quizzes, reading assignments, essays, and tests
  • Basic knowledge of computers and computer applications

Additional Requirements:

English Composition II

Credits:  3 Prerequisite: Completion of ENGL 1101 with a grade of “C” or better.

This is a composition course that develops writing skills beyond the levels of proficiency required by ENGL 1101, emphasizes a variety of more advanced research methods and an interpretation and evaluation of sources. Exit Requirements: C or higher. Pre-requisite: ENGL 1101.  Students who successfully complete ENGL 1102 will be able to:

  • Apply thinking processes to composition
  • Demonstrate competence in writing personal, informative, and persuasive essays
  • Collect and synthesize material for essays
  • Employ various research skills
  • Express clarity of style, content, and grammar in writing timed essays on unannounced topics

Course Requirements:

  • Online lectures, quizzes, reading assignments, essays, and tests
  • Essay
  • Basic knowledge of computers and computer applications

Additional Requirements:

World Literature I

Credits:  3 Prerequisite: ENGL 1102 with a grade of “C” or better

A survey of important works of world literature from ancient times through the mid-seventeenth century.    Students who successfully complete ENGL 2111 will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of works, authors, and trends of major importance in world literature from mid- seventeenth century to the present
  • Identify the characteristics of the different literary periods
  • Determine the similarities and differences between Western culture and those of other countries in the modern world
  • Recognize the cultural significance of Western literary heritage and the common concerns of humanity as expressed through literature

Course Requirements:

  • Online lectures, quizzes, reading assignments, and tests
  • Essay
  • Basic knowledge of computers and computer applications

Additional Requirements:

World Literature II

Credits:  3 Prerequisite: ENGL 1102 with a grade of “C” or better

A survey of important works of world literature from the mid-seventeenth century to the present. Students who successfully complete ENGL 2112 will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of works, authors, and trends of major importance in world literature from mid- seventeenth century to the present
  • Identify the characteristics of the different literary periods
  • Determine the similarities and differences between Western culture and those of other countries in the modern world
  • Recognize the cultural significance of Western literary heritage and the common concerns of humanity as expressed through literature

Course Requirements:

  • Online lectures, quizzes, reading assignments, and tests
  • Essay – one long or two short
  • Basic knowledge of computers and computer applications

Additional Requirements:

British Literature I

Prerequisite: ENGL 1102

A general survey of the works in British literature from the beginning through the Restoration period.

British Literature II

Credits:  3 Prerequisite: ENGL 1102 with a grade of “C” or better

A general survey of the works in British literature from the Romantic period to the present. Students who successfully complete ENGL 2122 will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of works, authors, and trends of major importance in world literature from mid- seventeenth century to the present
  • Identify the characteristics of the different literary periods
  • Determine the similarities and differences between Western culture and those of other countries in the modern world
  • Recognize the cultural significance of Western literary heritage and the common concerns of humanity as expressed through literature

Course Requirements:

  • Online lectures, quizzes, reading assignments, and tests
  • Essay
  • Basic knowledge of computers and computer applications

Additional Requirements:

  • A computer with Microsoft Word and appropriate plug ins to successfully run GeorgiaView - https://albanystate.view.usg.edu/d2l/login – click System Checker

  • A dictionary, thesaurus, and recent MLA handbook are strongly encouraged

American Literature I

Credits:  3 Prerequisite: ENGL 1102 with a grade of “C” or better

This course is a survey of American literature from the pre-colonial age to the mid-nineteenth century. This course is not intended for English majors.  Students who successfully complete ENGL 2131 will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of works, authors, and trends of major importance in American literature from its beginnings through the middle of the nineteenth century
  • Identify the characteristics of the different literary periods
  • Determine the similarities and differences between Western culture and American culture through the middle of the nineteenth century
  • Recognize the cultural significance of Western literary heritage and the common concerns of humanity as expressed through literature

Course Requirements:

  • Online lectures, quizzes, reading assignments, and tests
  • Essay
  • Basic knowledge of computers and computer applications

Additional Requirements:

American Literature II

Credits:  3 Prerequisite: ENGL 1102 with a grade of “C” or better

This course is a survey of American literature from the mid-nineteenth century to the present. This course is not intended for English majors. Students who successfully complete ENGL 2132 will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of works, authors, and trends of major importance in American literature of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
  • Identify the characteristics of the different literary periods
  • Determine the similarities and differences between Western culture and American culture through the middle of the nineteenth century
  • Recognize the cultural significance of Western literary heritage and the common concerns of humanity as expressed through literature

Course Requirements:

  • Online lectures, quizzes, reading assignments, and tests
  • Essay
  • Basic knowledge of computers and computer applications

Additional Requirements:

Creative Writing

Practical experience in imaginative writing, creating original works and developing style and voice through writing and criticism.

Exit requirements: A minimum of a "C" average on course work.

Prerequisite: ENGL 1102 with a grade of "C" or better.

Writing Non-Fiction

This course takes a somewhat more sophisticated look at composition than is possible in English Composition II. The course focuses on writing essays in clear, direct, graceful language that draws on grammar's potential for variety and interest. The course addresses the value of an enhanced vocabulary for creating these results. The course supplements its exercises in writing essays and articles with reading and analyzing works by prose masters from antiquity to our own period.

Exit requirements: A minimum of a "C" average on course work.

Prerequisite: ENGL 1102 with a grade of "C" or better.

Professional and Technical Writing

This course is an intermediate composition course that develops professional workplace communication skills. It emphasizes strategies, forms, and techniques of writing that aims to inform, persuade, or instruct. The course provides hands-on experience in writing and presenting business and technical documents produced by a variety of methods. It focuses on strategies used in marketing communication, public relations, and human resources and also includes experience with group collaboration.

Exit requirements: A minimum of a “C” average on course work.
Prerequisite: Completion of ENGL 1102 with a grade of "C" or better.

Professional and Technical Writing - eMajor only

This course will introduce students to basic ethical and rhetorical concepts that govern a multitude of professional and technical situations. Highlighting the importance of the writing process, this course will concentrate on the fundamentals within professional writing communities in order to train students in effective and persuasive communication. Students will gain intensive practice in composing powerful audience-driven documents such as letters, memos, and job application materials, as well as instructions and formal reports. Covering a wide range of business principles- from gathering data through primary and secondary research to the planning and organizing of workplace genre sets­ this course provides practical advice regarding the professional standards that students will encounter in their future careers. Moreover, students will learn to craft effective presentations supported with appropriate documentary and visual aids as they collaborate on technical research and reporting projects with peers.

This course is part of the eMajor collaborate program degree.  The tuition for this course is at the current eMajor rate.