Distance Learning


Legal Environment of Business

This course provides an overview of the statutory, case, and regulatory laws that impact the relationship between law and business. The course provides insight into the elements that are critical to analyzing and understanding the relationship between law and business.

Management Science and Operations Management

Prerequisite: ECON 3205

This course covers the principles, concepts, modeling and decision making techniques for business operations management. The typical topics include issues and tasks of operations management, operations strategy, decision making and optimization, total quality management, capacity planning, facility layout, and materials planning.

Organizational Behavior

Prerequisite: MGMT 3105 or MGHC 3120

This course is designed for students to learn individual and group skills required for effective functioning in an organizational context. Topics include global competition, leadership, motivation, diversity, decision making, group dynamics, culture, organizational development, and systems.

Business Policy

Prerequisite: Senior standing, BUSA 4105, ECON 3205, FINC 3105, MGMT 3105 or MGHC 3120, MGMT 3106, 4110 and MKTG 3120

A capstone course that integrates knowledge acquired in accounting, economics, finance, operations management, information systems, management, and marketing in the formation of business strategies. Case study method is emphasized.

Management Information Systems

Prerequisite: MIST 2010. (Cross listed with MIST 4205.)

An overview course designed to introduce students to the area of information systems. It emphasizes concepts, components and structures of information systems and their applications in business and managerial decision making.

Quantitative Methods for Managers

This course introduces students to the major quantitative techniques used in management decision making. Topics include deterministic and probability models, decision theory, game theory, linear programming, production planning, operating technology, simulation, dynamic programming and advanced applications of statistics. Computer applications are emphasized. Prerequisite: MGMT 4110 or MGMT 5200. Offered: Fall and Spring.

Organizational Behavior and Effectiveness

This course enhances understanding of all aspects of behavior in organizational settings through the systematic study of individual, group and organizational processes. The approach is experiential and focuses on organization development, leadership, and teamwork. The goal of the course is to gain competencies to improve organizational effectiveness and enhance competitive advantage. Offered: Fall .

Business Policy and Strategic Managment

This course can be taken only after completion of at least 27 hours of MBA courses.The purpose of the course is to give the student an opportunity to develop and appreciate skills and perspectives, capabilities needed by higher-level leaders and managers in all types of organizations. Emphasis is given to the integration of subject matter from all business courses and other disciplines in formulating, implementing and evaluating cross-functional decisions that enable the organization to achieve its goals and objectives. Comprehensive analysis of organizations in a wide variety of situations is conducted. This is the capstone MBA course. Offered: As needed.