ADA Compliant Color Combinations

For use with ASU Blue and Gold

All color combinations values were verified Colour Contrast Analyzer

Color pallet combinations were generated using Color Safe

ASU ADA Compliant Examples

These examples pass level AAA and level AA for large text. Small text passed at level AA. This chart is used primarily for large text. Check the Color Analyzer to verify the examples for small text use

Description Background Color Foreground Color Sample
Blue button with gold type #013C6E #F7CA18 Example 01
Light blue button with dark blue Type #CCDEED #013C6E Example 02
Blue button with white type #0171C9 #FFFFFF Example 03
Yellow button with purple type #DFC714 #1E0A61 Example 04
Dark blue button with orange type #192551 #E07922 Example 05
Dark blue button with yellow type #192551 #F2D22F Example 06
Light green button with blue type #6FA698 #0A3055 Example 07
Orange button with blue type #FF6F00 #00008B Example 08
Dark Tan button with beige type #887000 #FFFACD Example 09
Yellow button with blue type. * #FFD100 #001F5B Example 10
Blue button with light yellow type. * #1E0A61 #FFFACD Example 11
Purple button with peach type. #3F229D #FFA07A Example 12
Purple button with light peach type. * #3F229D #FDE3A7 Example 13
Light green button with purple type. * #C8F7C5 #3F229D Example 14
Green button with purple type. * #4BBF99 #3C1362 Example 15
Dark brown button with tan type. * #3D1410 #FFC164 Example 16
Dark brown button with green type. * #3D1410 #4BBF99 Example 17
Orange button with brown type. * #FF9900 #3D1410 Example 18
Dark blue button with light green type. * #003399 #C8F7C5 Example 19
Dark blue button with light green type. * #00194C #EB974E Example 20

* Passed large and small type for AAA and AA